Pre-prints or manuscripts in review:
Portlas, Z.M., J. Molofsky, L. Milbrath, and S.R. Keller. Preadaptation and post-introduction evolution in the invasive Centaurea jacea (Asteraceae) hybrid complex in response to drought stress. (In revision for American J. Botany) Verrico, B.M. and S.R. Keller. Fine-scale adaptation in the presence of extensive gene flow in the coniferous tree red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.). In revision for Evolution. Capblancq, T., S. Lachmuth, M.C. Fitzpatrick, and S.R. Keller. From the last glacial maximum to the end of the 21th century: the journey of a montane tree species. In revision for Molecular Ecology. Chhatre, V.E., K.C. Fetter, A.V. Gougherty, M.C. Fitzpatrick, R.Y. Soolanayakanahally, R.S. Zalensy, and S.R. Keller. Climatic niche predicts the landscape structure of locally adaptive standing genetic variation. In revision for Communications Biology. bioRxiv preprint: Published or accepted and in press: Fetter, K. and S.R. Keller, 2023. Admixture mapping and selection scans identify genomic regions associated with stomatal patterning and disease resistance in hybrid poplars. Ecology & Evolution. Lachmuth, S., T. Capblancq, A. Prakash, S.R. Keller, and M.C. Fitzpatrick. 2023. Novel genomic offset metrics account for local adaptation in climate suitability forecasts and inform assisted migration. Ecological Monographs. Molofsky, J., D. Thom, S.R. Keller, and L.R. Milbrath. 2023.. Closely related invasive species may be controlled by the same demographic life stages. Neobiota 82:189-207, Capblancq,T., S. Lachmuth, M.C. Fitzpatrick and S.R. Keller. 2023. From common gardens to candidate genes: exploring local adaptation to climate in red spruce. New Phytologist Molofsky, J., D.S. Park, D.M. Richardson, S.R. Keller, B. Beckage, J.R. Mandel, J.S. Boatwright and C. Hui. 2022. Optimal differentiation to the edge of trait space (EoTS). Evolutionary Ecology. Prakash, A., S. DeYoung, S. Lachmuth, J.L. Adams, K. Johnsen, J.R. Butnor, D.M. Nelson, M.C. Fitzpatrick and S.R. Keller. 2022. Genotypic variation and plasticity in climate-adaptive traits after range expansion and fragmentation of red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 377(1848). A.J. Láruson, M.C. Fitzpatrick, S.R. Keller, B.C. Haller, K.E. Lotterhos. 2022. Seeing the forest for the trees: Assessing genetic offset predictions from gradient forest. Evolutionary Applications 15(3):403-416. Gougherty, A.V., S.R. Keller, and M.C. Fitzpatrick. 2022. Do genetically informed distribution models improve range predictions in past climates? A case study with balsam poplar. Frontiers of Biogeography 14(3). An, X., K. Gao, Z. Chen, J. Li, X. Yang, J. Zhou, T. Guo, T. Zhao, S. Huang, D. Miao, W.U. Khan, P. Rao, M. Ye, B. Lei, W. Liao, J. Wang, L. Ji, Y. Li, B. Guo, N.S. Mustafa, S. Li, Q. Yun, S.R. Keller, J. Mao, R. Zhang, S.H. Strauss. 2021. High quality haplotype-resolved genome assemblies of Populus tomentosa Carr., a stabilized interspecific hybrid species widespread in Asia. Molecular Ecology Resources 22(2):786-802. Capblancq, T., H. Munson, J.R. Butnor, and S.R. Keller. 2021. Genomic drivers of early-life fitness in Picea rubens. Conservation Genetics 22, 963–976 Fetter, K.C., D.M. Nelson, and S.R. Keller. 2021. Trade-offs and selection conflicts in hybrid poplars indicate the stomatal ratio as an important trait regulating disease resistance. Evolution. Fitzpatrick, M.C., V.E. Chhatre, R. Soolanayakanahally, and S.R. Keller. 2021. Experimental support for genomic prediction of climate maladaptation using the machine learning approach Gradient Forests. Molecular Ecology Resources 21(8):2749-2765. Gougherty, A.V., S.R. Keller, M.C. Fitzpatrick. 2021. Maladaptation, migration, and extirpation fuel climate change risk in a forest tree species. Nature Climate Change 11:166-171. Thibault, E., R. Soolanayakanahally, and S.R. Keller. 2020. Latitudinal clines in bud flush phenology reflect genetic variation in chilling requirements in balsam poplar, Populus balsamifera L. (Salicaceae). The American Journal of Botany 107:1597-1605. Hildbrand, R.H., S.R. Keller, S.M. Laperriere, A.E. Santoro, J. Cessna, and R. Trott. 2020. Microbial communities can predict the ecological condition of headwater streams. PLoS One. Capblancq, T., M.C. Fitzpatrick, R.A. Bay, M. Exposito-Alonso, and S.R. Keller. 2020. Genomic prediction of (mal)adaptation across current and future climatic landscapes. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, Vol. 51. Capblancq, T., J. Butnor, S. DeYoung, E. Thibault, H. Munson, D.M. Nelson, M.C. Fitzpatrick, and S.R. Keller. 2020. Whole exome sequencing reveals a long-term decline in effective population size of red spruce (Picea rubens). Evolutionary Applications. Laperriere, S.M., R.H. Hildbrand, S.R. Keller, R. Trott, and A.E. Santoro. 2020. Microbial indicators of watershed land use and headwater stream condition. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 86:e00018-20. Sun, Y., J. Ding, E. Siemann, and S.R. Keller. 2020. Biological control of invasive weeds under climate change: progress, challenges, and management implications. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 38:72-78. Gougherty, A., V.E. Chhatre, S.R. Keller, and M.C. Fitzpatrick. 2020. Contemporary range position predicts the range-wide pattern of genetic diversity in balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera L.). Journal of Biogeography. Verrico, B.M., J. Weiland, T.D. Perkins, B. Beckage, and S.R. Keller. 2020. Long-term monitoring reveals forest community change driven by atmospheric sulfate pollution and contemporary climate change. Diversity and Distributions, 26:270-283. Lachmuth, S., J. Molofsky, L. Milbrath, J. Suda, and S.R. Keller. 2019. Associations between genomic ancestry, genome size and capitula morphology in the invasive meadow knapweed hybrid complex (Centaurea × moncktonii C.E. Britton) in eastern North America. AoB Plants, 11:plz055. Butnor, J.R., B.M. Verrico, K.J. Johnsen, C.A. Mayer, V. Vankus, and S.R. Keller. 2019. Phenotypic variation in climate-associated traits of red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) along elevation gradients in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Castanea 84:128-143. Fetter, K.C., S. Eberhardt, R.S. Barclay, S. Wing, and S.R. Keller. 2019. StomataCounter: a neural network automatic stomata identification and counting. New Phytologist 223:1671-1681. (The definitive version is available at Wiley Interscience.) Fetter, K. C. and A. Weakley. 2019. Reduced gene flow from mainland populations of Liriodendron tulipifera into the Florida peninsula promotes diversification. International Journal of Plant Sciences 180:253-269. Schrieber, K., S. Wolf, C. Wypior, D. Hohlig, S.R. Keller, I. Hensen, and S. Lachmuth. 2019. Enemy release mitigates inbreeding depression in native and invasive Silene latifolia populations: experimental insight into the role of inbreeding × environment interactions in invasion success. Ecology and Evolution 9:3564-3576. Hoogland, J.L., R. Trott, and S.R. Keller. 2019. Polyandry and polygyny in a social rodent: an integrative perspective based on social organization, copulations, and genetics. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Gougherty, A.V., S.R. Keller, A. Kruger, C.D. Stylinski, A.J. Elmore, and M.C. Fitzpatrick. 2018. Estimating tree phenology from high frequency tree movement data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 263:217-224. Chhatre, V.E., L.M. Evans, S.P. DiFazio, and S.R. Keller. 2018. Adaptive introgression and maintenance of a trispecies hybrid complex in range-edge populations of Populus. Molecular Ecology 27:4820-4838. Fitzpatrick, M.C., S.R. Keller, and K.E. Lotterhos. 2018. Comment on “Genomic signals of selection predict climate-driven population declines in a migratory bird.” Science 361, eaat7279. Butnor, J.R., B.M. Verrico, V. Vankus, and S.R. Keller. 2018. Ethanol exposure can inhibit red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) germination. Seed Science and Technology, 46:259-265. Keller, S.R., V.E. Chhatre, and M.C. Fitzpatrick. 2017. Influence of range position on locally adaptive gene-environment associations in Populus flowering time genes. Journal of Heredity, 109:47-58. Palacio-Lopez, K., S.R. Keller, J.M. Molofsky. 2017. Genomic admixture between locally adapted populations of Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse ear cress): Evidence of optimal genetic outcrossing distance. Journal of Heredity, 109:38-46. Fetter, K.C., P. Gugger, and S.R. Keller. 2017. Landscape genomics in angiosperm trees: model systems at the foundations and forefront of the field. Comparative and Evolutionary Genomics of Angiosperm Trees. Andrew Groover and Quentin Cronk, eds. Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-49329-9. Keller, S.R., R. Hilderbrand, M.K. Shank, and M. Potapova. 2017. Environmental DNA genetic monitoring of the nuisance freshwater diatom, Didymospheniageminata, in eastern North American streams. Diversity and Distributions, 23:381-393. — see also the article in The Scientist featuring our eDNA work on Didymo Colautti, R.I., J.M. Alexander, K.M. Dglugosch, S.R. Keller, and S.E. Sultan. 2017. Invasions and extinctions: through the looking glass of evolutionary ecology. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 372(1712):20160031. Keller, S.R. 2017. A genetic assessment of the population health and connectivity of a keystone species in high elevation Appalachian forest ecosystems: red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.). Final report to the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources (not peer-reviewed). July 20, 2017. Sebasky, M., S.R. Keller, and D.R. Taylor. 2016. Investigating past range dynamics for a weed of cultivation, Silene vulgaris. Ecology and Evolution, 6:4800-4811. Pylant, C.L., D.M. Nelson, M.C. Fitzpatrick, J.E. Gates, and S.R. Keller. 2016. Geographic origins and population genetics of bats killed at wind-energy facilities. Ecological Applications, 26:1381. Kazyak, D.C., R.H. Hilderbrand, T.L. King, S.R. Keller, and V.E. Chhatre. 2016. Hiding in plain sight: a case for cryptic metapopulations in brook trout. PLoS ONE 11(1): e0146295. Jaramillo-Correa, J.P., J. Prunier, A. Vazquez-Lobo, S.R. Keller, A. Moreno-Letelier. 2015. Molecular signatures of adaptation and selection in forest trees. Advances in Botanical Research, Vol. 74, 265-306. Fitzpatrick, M.C. and S.R. Keller. 2015. Ecological genomics meets community-level modeling of biodiversity: Mapping the genomic landscape of current and future environmental adaptation. Ecology Letters 18:1-16. Kazyak, D.C., R.H. Hilderbrand, S.R. Keller, M.C. Colaw, A.E. Holloway, R.P. Morgan III, and T.L. King. 2015. Spatial structure of morphological and neutral genetic variation in Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 144:480-490. Pylant, C.L., D.M. Nelson, and S.R. Keller. 2014. Stable hydrogen isotopes record the summering grounds of eastern red bats (Lasiurus borealis). PeerJ 2:e629. Molofsky, J., S.R. Keller, S. Lavergne, M. Kaproth, and M. Eppinga. 2014. Human-aided admixture may fuel ecosystem transformation during biological invasions: theoretical and experimental evidence. Ecology and Evolution 4: 899-910. Keller, S.R., P. D. Fields, A. E. Berardi, and D. R. Taylor. 2014. Recent admixture generates heterozygosity-fitness correlations during the range expansion of an invading species. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27:616-627. Keller, S.R., R. Trott, C. Pylant, and D. Nelson. 2013. Genome-wide microsatellite marker development from next-generation sequencing of two non-model bat species impacted by wind turbine mortality: Lasiurus borealis and L. cinereus (Vespertilionidae). Molecular Ecology Resources. 14:435-436. Olson, M.S., N. Levsen, R. Soolanayakanahally, R. Guy, W. Schroeder, S.R. Keller, and P. Tiffin. 2013. The adaptive potential of the dominant boreal forest tree Populus balsamifera L. to phenology requirements in a warmer global climate. Mol. Ecol. 22:1214-1230. Keller, S.R., K. J. Gilbert, P. D. Fields, and D. R. Taylor. 2012. Bayesian inference of a complex invasion history revealed by nuclear and chloroplast genetic diversity in the colonizing plant, Silene latifolia. Mol. Ecol. 21:4721-4734. Keller, S.R., N. Levsen, M.S. Olson,and P. Tiffin. 2012. Local adaptation in the flowering time genetic network of balsam poplar, Populus balsamifera L. Mol. Biol. Evol. 29:3143-3152. Sloan, D.B., S.R. Keller, A.E. Berardi, B.J. Sanderson, J.F. Karpovich, and D.R. Taylor. 2011. De novo transcriptome assembly and polymorphism detection in the flowering plant Silene vulgaris (Caryophyllaceae). Mol. Ecol. Res. 12:333-343. Keller, S.R., N. Levsen, P. K. Ingvarsson, M. S. Olson, and P. Tiffin. 2011. Local selection across a latitudinal gradient shapes nucleotide diversity in balsam poplar, Populus balsamifera L. Genetics. Keller, S.R., R. Soolanayakanahally, R. Guy, S. Silim, M. Olson, and P. Tiffin. 2011. Climate-driven local adaptation in ecophysiology and phenology in balsam poplar, Populus balsamifera L. (Salicaceae). American Journal of Botany 98:99-108. Jenkins, C.E. and S.R. Keller. 2011. A phylogenetic comparative study of preadaptation for invasiveness in the flowering plant genus Silene (Caryophyllaceae). Biological Invasions 13:1471-1486. Keller, S.R., and D.R. Taylor. 2010. Genomic admixture increases fitness during a biological invasion. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23:1720-1731. Keller, S.R., M.S. Olson, S. Silim, W. Schroeder, and P. Tiffin. 2010. Genomic diversity, population structure and migration following rapid range expansion in the Balsam Poplar, Populus balsamifera. Molecular Ecology, 19:1212-1226. — see also the ‘Perspectives’ piece in this issue of Mol. Ecol. by Martin Lascoux and Remy Petit Fields, P.D., S.R. Keller, P.K. Ingvarsson, A. Pederson, and D.R. Taylor. 2010. Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in the white campion, Silene latifolia (Caryophyllaceae). Molecular Ecology Resources, 10:232-238. Keller, S.R., D.R. Sowell, M. Neiman, L.M. Wolfe, and D.R. Taylor. 2009. Adaptation and colonization history affect the evolution of clines in two introduced species. New Phytologist, 183:678-690. Keller, S.R., and D.R. Taylor. 2008. History, chance, and adaptation during biological invasion: separating stochastic phenotypic evolution from response to selection. Ecology Letters, 11: 852-866. Sloan, D.B., C.M. Barr, M.S. Olson, S.R. Keller, and D.R. Taylor. 2008. Evolutionary rate variation at multiple levels of biological organization in plant mitochondrial DNA. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 25:243-246. Etterson, J.R., S.R. Keller, and L.F. Galloway. 2007. Epistatic and cytonuclear interactions govern outbreeding depression in the autotetraploid Campanulastrum americanum. Evolution, 61:2671-2683. Barr, C.M., S.R. Keller, P.K. Ingvarsson, D.B. Sloan, and D.R. Taylor. 2007. Variation in mutation rate and polymorphism among mitochondrial genes of Silene vulgaris. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 24:1783-1791. Taylor, D.R. and S.R. Keller. 2007. Historical range expansion determines the phylogenetic diversity introduced during contemporary species invasion. Evolution, 61:334-345. Keller, S.R.and K.E. Schwaegerle. 2006. Maternal sex and mate relatedness affect offspring quality in the gynodioecious Silene acaulis. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 19:1128-1138. |